Egg Tofu with Stir Fry Chicken and Mushrooms

This dish is one of my family’s favorite dish for lunch or dinner. Egg tofu coated with flour then fried until golden brown and placed on top of the fried egg and topped with chicken and mushroom gravy is something that we always enjoy as one of our comfort food especially when we are not feeling well.

In Singapore, this type of dish is also widely known as hotplate tofu and it usually always has fried egg at the bottom of the pan. It is different than claypot tofu (I’ve posted the recipe previously) as claypot tofu has more protein and vegetables, more gravy, and of course, served inside a claypot.

Not to worry so much if you don’t have a hotplate, I also didn’t have one when I made this recipe. The one thing that you will not have is the sizzling effect of course, but the dish is still so good and delicious. I used my flat non stick pan instead to fry the eggs and serve the dish. You can also fry the eggs separately and serve the dish altogether on a serving plate. This dish goes really well with steamed rice.

There are many variations of course to this dish, you can add more veggies or use different kind of mushrooms. You can also add more water if you want more gravy. I made it a bit dry on the serving pan because I didn’t like the egg at the bottom to get too soggy. So I left some of the gravy on my wok instead so whoever needed extra gravy could add it directly to their plates.


  1. 2 packages of egg tofu, cut each into 8 slices
  2. tapioca flour
  3. 200 gr minced chicken, I used chicken tights without skin and bones
  4. 1 can (180 gr) Champignon mushrooms, sliced
  5. cooking oil
  6. 5 garlic, minced
  7. 1 large yellow onion, diced
  8. minced green onions

To marinate the chicken:

  1. 1 tbsp light soy sauce
  2. 1 tbsp dark soy sauce
  3. 1 tbsp sesame oil
  4. 1 tbsp Shaoxing wine
  5. a pinch of ground white pepper
  6. 1 tbsp tapioca flour

Seasonings the sauce/gravy:

  1. 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  2. 1 tbsp light soy sauce
  3. 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  4. a pinch of ground white pepper
  5. salt, to taste
  6. 100 ml water

For the eggs:

  1. 3 eggs, beaten
  2. a pinch of salt


  1. Marinate minced chicken with all the sauces, pepper, and flour for 15 minutes
  2. Lightly coated egg tofu in tapioca flour and shallow fry until golden brown on both sides (do this in batches do not crowd the pan/wok as the tofu will break when you flip). Set aside
  3. Using 5 tbsp of the leftover oil, heat the pan/wok and stir fry garlic and onion until fragrant and soft
  4. Add minced chicken, stir fry until the chicken turns into white color
  5. Add mushrooms and seasonings for sauce/gravy. Bring to a boil then simmer for 3 minutes. Turn off the heat
  6. While waiting, prepare the pan or hotplate to fry the beaten eggs mixed with salt. Cook until eggs are no longer wet at the top (no need to flip)
  7. Arrange the egg tofu on top of the eggs and pour the chicken and mushrooms mixture on top
  8. Sprinkle green onions and diced chili (optional)
  9. Serve with hot steamed rice

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