Blueberry Brioche

I made this bread simply because blueberry was in season and it was cheap so I bought 3 packages and ended up with a jar of blueberry jam which I didn’t know what to do with (we don’t really like eating white bread with jam). So I made this brioche blueberry which turned out to be really good and everybody liked it. Yup, we don’t like adding jam into plain bread but ok if I incorporate the jam inside the bread in the baking process.

I loved this bread, it was so soft and sweet and crunchy on top because I added almond slices (this is optional).


  1. 125 ml milk
  2. 1 egg
  3. 50 gr sugar
  4. 250 gr bread flour
  5. 7 gr instant yeast
  6. 50 gr salted butter
  7. blueberry jam (see the recipe in this post)
  8. almond slices (optional)

To brush:

  1. milk
  2. butter


  1. Prepare a 450 gr bread pan or 19 x 11 x 10 cm (for this amount of dough, do not use the lid as it will overflow) lined with parchment paper
  2. Attach bowl and dough hooks to the mixer and add milk, egg, sugar, bread flour, instant yeast and start mixing with low speed
  3. When dough clings to the hooks and cleans sides of the bowl, add butter
  4. Continue mixing until the dough is smooth, elastic, and bounces back when you press the dough with your finger. The dough should be in windowpane stage. I only use low speed in my mixer to knead the dough
  5. Place dough in a bowl and cover with cling wrap and a clean cloth and let rise in a warm place for about 1 hour or until doubled in bulk. Note: lightly grease the bowl and the dough with oil so the dough won’t be sticky to handle and shape. To see if the dough has risen enough, simply poke your finger into the dough, and if the fingermark stays, then it has finished rising
  6. Punch the dough to release the air and roll out the dough into a rectangle, then evenly spread the blueberry jam in the middle side of the rolled dough
  7. Roll up the dough from the longer side and pinch the edges to seal, then form a simple 2 strand braid (fold half and cross twice)
  8. Place the bread in the loaf pan, cover and let rise for another 1 hour
  9. Brush the top with milk, then sprinkle crushed almond slices
  10. Bake in a preheated 170 C fan  oven for 30 to 35 minutes and until the top turns brown (bake in the lowest shelf of the oven to prevent the top to get brown too soon)
  11. Remove from the oven and brush with butter, then transfer onto a wire rack
  12. Let cool completely before slicing and serving it

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